Sync smart
Gain speed to insights with expertly curated, research-ready mastersets

Start your research on day one with expertly curated HealthVerity Mastersets
More than a typical dataset offered by other vendors, HealthVerity Mastersets are curated by our real-world data (RWD) experts, revealing the most relevant clinical attributes for the condition or area being studied to provide the most comprehensive view of the patient journey. As a pre-assembled solution, each masterset is the result of a rigorous process that resolves patient identity across the most applicable data sources while appropriately governing data usage rights, applying advanced privacy-protecting techniques to preserve critical data elements, and consolidating duplicate results for a concise, easy-to-use, research-ready masterset that provides speed to insight unmatched by other vendors.

Maternal Outcomes Masterset (MOM)
Generate fast, reliable real-world evidence for your pregnancy studies with our Maternal Outcomes Masterset, which synchronizes the de-identified healthcare records of more than 3 million pregnant women to their newborns.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Masterset
Gain speed to insight with our CKD Masterset that compiles all of the relevant clinical attributes into a research-ready dataset to help you better understand the CKD patient journey.

Mortality Masterset
Gain speed to insight with a pre-assembled, research-ready cause of death dataset derived from three years of clinical history synchronized with public death records for the industry’s most accurate cause of death determination.

COVID-19 Masterset
Generate novel insights on COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, treatments and the ongoing impact of the pandemic with our COVID-19 Masterset.