Moving beyond the errors found in public death records

It is important to know not just if a patient died, but whether the cause of death was from the disease being studied to better measure treatment efficacy and overall survival, address any safety issues, and make appropriate public health policy decisions. While cause of death is captured in death certificates that are collected by states and passed onto the CDC, access to these records is restricted, can take up to a year or more to receive, and they are not de-identified. Additionally, the cause of death listed on the death certificate is often prone to error, with peer reviewed studies showing error rates ranging from 34% to 52% or even higher.

Most accurate cause of death

Confidently embark on research projects with a cause of death derived from three years of claims data

Speed to insight

Start your research on day one with pre-assembled, de-identified and HIPAA-compliant cause of death data

Synchronized solution

Seamlessly synchronize cause of death data with other sources for the most comprehensive view of the patient journey

A synchronized cause of death solution

Confidently embark on research projects with the expertly curated HealthVerity Mortality Masterset, powered by Veritas Data Research. The solution synchronizes Veritas’ Fact of Death dataset, consisting of over 130 million death records from 1935 to today, with a syndicate of open and closed medical claims assembled by HealthVerity from the nation’s largest de-identified healthcare and consumer data ecosystem. An advanced analytics engine processes the synchronized data, retracing each patient’s medical history back 36 months prior from the date of passing, to determine the most likely cause of death.

Synchronized and privatized

Start your research on day one with de-identified and HIPAA compliant cause of death data where each deceased individual is resolved as a unique but persistent HealthVerity ID (HVID) that can be seamlessly synchronized with any other data sources from the nation’s largest healthcare and consumer data ecosystem, other third-party data or your proprietary data for the most comprehensive view of the patient journey.

Pre-assembled and research ready

Save time, money and resources with the pre-assembled Mortality Masterset that provides the most likely primary and secondary cause of death, derived from analyzing a three-year clinical history for each decedent. This expertly curated and research-ready masterset allows you to start any studies where mortality is an endpoint immediately, without having to do additional research on the cause of death.

Discover a more definitive cause of death


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HealthVerity launches its Mortality Masterset, powered by Veritas Data Research, to provide the most likely cause of death for health outcomes research

Announcing the release of the HealthVerity Mortality Masterset, powered by Veritas Data Research. This pre-assembled, research-ready solution synchronizes Veritas’ Fact of Death dataset with a syndicate of open and closed claims, applying rules-based algorithms to determine the most likely cause of death.