About Boston Strategic Partners
Boston Strategic Partners (BSP) experts know how to maximize the value of your data, irrespective of its source and format. BSP provides end-to-end study execution from hypothesis ideation/protocol development to statistical modeling or as-needed ad-hoc support. Our in-house data team comprises subject matter experts (e.g., MDs, PhDs), award-winning RWD programmers, data scientists, and biostatisticians. Further, BSP can apply advanced ML/AI methods, including NLP and vision processing. With an extensive track record of published success, BSP can leverage its vast network to identify and engage with KOLs for strategic collaboration.
When partnering with BSP, you also have access to other experts who can support additional Health Economic Modeling (e.g. BIM, CEA), Business & Clinical Strategy/Market Access, Regulatory, Medical Communications and Education, and Financial Advisory initiatives.
How we work together
Boston Strategic Partners combines its deep industry knowledge and analytics expertise with HealthVerity’s real-world data ecosystem in order to deliver strategic guidance and answer critical health economics and outcomes research questions. This approach deploying an accurate, 360-degree assessment of patient populations of interest maximizes value of data for manufacturers, regulators and clinical/ academic researchers; through comprehensive analyses and insight extraction.